Friday, October 8, 2010

From XT3 to Melbourne and a pox family

I have to learn how to embed images here as I recently reworked a newsletter I received from XT3 - the Catholic church's social media they are using to attract young online users to their religion. I had been a member since the pope's visit as it came on in that time as an open avenue for conversation - I quickly found that so long as the conversation went where they wanted and not where I wanted then we could have a conversation - all to religious for me and reminded me of my ex in-laws where these sexual abusers were only able to talk rationally about the weather or football as that was the only safe topic you could have a conversation on. My conversations with my ex-wife were fast moving in the same direction at one point, however the weather as a conversation item is a bit restricting when there was so much other stuff happening that needed conversation.

We were living at 12 Carlton street. I am not sure of the year we moved in there, not long after we were married.

The reminders are of learning that I was somehow connected with the bishop of Toowoomba through relations on Alice's side - there were many things that came together and connected later when I re-looked at this in regards our breakup and the bizarre happenings that came with them. I was often reminded of the first time meeting Alice's father. I was driving a 230E compact mercedes - 25 years old, it came out of a garage where it had lain for 10 or so years. Too many miles on the clock but was a great armchair ride which had a lot of safety features which I found appealing. On my first trip to Brisbane where I met Alice's father who was a self employed graphic artist. From day one he tried to get me involved in his business by me lending him $50,000. He was married to an Indian lady who took offense at my position of not believing in gods or religion, she found it offensive that I should hold a different view - that seemed to cause a great deal of outrage which I found both musing and amazing since her father was a seriously into alcohol and morosity.

The fact that I did not believe in religion and in fact I openly spoke against much of it due to the hypocrisy I had experienced and saw. I had moved up from Melbourne bringing a truck load of furniture up to a little house out on the Darling Downs. Alice was working at a school in Warwick and then Allora. We appeared to do well together although there was often tension when her mother arrived with her boyfriend Kel. These people were serious drinkers. The were ugly drunks and in some bizarre ways they touted themselves as good Christians. I was receiving a disability payment due to the slow healing of torn ligaments in my shoulder - this quickly gave the insurance company an opportunity to discontinue support. One telephone conversation with them went along the lines of me sitting on a Queensland beach using their money while living the life of Riley, although that sod would not put it in writing when I asked him to. They finished up not accepting their form being filled out by a Queensland doctor - he had to fill out a blue form for them but they only issued green forms to interstate doctors - what pox they were.

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