Friday, October 8, 2010

getting started on blogging

Recent meetup with Toowoomba writers group. Went along for a look see as I wanted to learn more on writing. An interesting group of people who have an interest in writing. Most in my own age bracket. People got to read some of their writings, I found it interesting to listen to the different styles of writers. First off was an intriguing puzzle piece on an ancient alchemist and how he was attempting to deceive a buyer into purchasing his lead to gold furnace - reminded me of the deceptions of the kings and religion and how smoke and mirrors have played such a part in our history. There was a blow by blow of a back yard cricket match which brought back many memories for the listeners.

A description of the experience of a 9 year old during the last days of the war was interesting to listen to as that was about the period prior to my birth and would have been a major part in my parents and older siblings lives. I recalled that some of the things mentioned were still to be found in the shed at the back of our house as kids.

There was a breakneck reading from a book a lady had self published - it was her second book and appeared to be very polished. The writing style was reminiscent to that of those early Western books (Zane Grey I think). The theme was in regards Arabian horses and was written for the younger girl bracket. The writer is also a breeder of Arabian horses and freely admits to being one of those 'horsey' people. Many reminders of times going to shows and polocrosse with the Tull family. George Tull was a great substitute father in many ways for me. It was of interest to listen to how she went about publishing using an eprint service which was working well for her.

As usual there was the religious aspect in there as well - came about as part of a discussion in regards an upcoming Writers get together. I missed the first part on this and only picked up on it when the conversation went to the fact that people should choose carefully the piece they read and to not use too many sear words. One fellow asked about the suitability of some of his pieces and said he felt a bit restricted. We were told the reason for this limitation was because the readings were to be in the St Lukes church hall and that parishioners had been invited. The hall came at no cost due to connections of one of the writers. Well that certainly left me out from participating in that, firstly from the perspective of censorship which meant to me that all the readers had to attempt to guess as to what censorship would be needed to be in place. I wondered if a measured piece on the sexual abuse of children by clergy and the failures that brings to society would be an acceptable piece to read, perhaps it would be - certainly should be. I wondered how I would be received if I went along whilst wearing my t-shirt.

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